Young Reporter-Speak Out Challenge, Lambeth-Henning Morgan, Dunraven


Students from The Elms Academy, The Elmgreen School, Dunraven School, Woodmansterne School, Saint Gabriel’s College, Lilian Baylis Technology School, La Retraite Roman Catholic Girls’ School and London Nautical School all came together, with representatives from each school performing their speeches with passion and conviction in front of an attentive audience. The night was a perfect showcase of Lambeth’s talent and prowess. From speeches calling out injustice and righting the wrongs of our subconscious bias, to issues of depression and building the resilience to manage it, the speeches were brilliant. To see a new generation of leaders talking about challenging social issues and pointing out problems that many of us may not see, it’s fair to say that Lambeth has plenty to be proud of. 


One of the brilliant aspects of the Speak Out competition was the camaraderie and community spirit. The power of letting your voice be heard and using that voice far exceeds that of 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes, and that was evident throughout the night. The courage and commitment students showed was superb and it was evident that this generation is not scared to use their voices!


And that’s the goal of the challenge, to inspire and empower students to use their voices to create a positive and meaningful impact, unlock potential and equip students with the necessary skills for their voices to be heard.  If any teachers read this, I implore you to get involved in the Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge.

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